Saint John of the Ladder Orthodox Church
After examining the budget and needs of this parish, it became clear that an ambitious masonry church in Byzantine style would be unaffordable. But the parish was rather set upon domed Byzantine architecture. So Andrew decided to attempt something new: a design that is fully Byzantine in form and expression, and yet built completely honestly out of wood, without the slightest suggestion of imitating masonry. The interior of this church, designed to hold 250 worshippers, closely corresponds to the ornamental hierarchy of a high-Byzantine church. But the columns and revetment, historically made of marble, are here rendered in the warm-hued yellow pine that is so common in the Deep South. The exterior is trimmed out in the tradition of fine American wooden buildings, not unlike the Victorian houses of Greenville. Built in 2018, with many details still in progress. The church was designed in association with Morris Architecture as architect of record, with iconographic murals being painted by Seraphim O'Keefe.