Mugdock Castle
This remarkable beach house stands on Sullivan's Island next door to Fort Moultrie National Historic Park. The historic part of the structure, a former church, was built in the 19th century with granite walls and a tower. The owner asked Andrew to design an addition that would look older than the Gothic church. Drawing its details and textures from the nearby military architecture, and its form from a Romanesque keep, the castle addition is now the island's most whimsical landmark. Built with thick reinforced concrete walls, massive cypress timbers, and a geothermal heat pump, it is also among the most solidly constructed and sustainable buildings of its time. It was completed in 2010. The paint colors and textiles chosen by Renée Killian-Dawson lend a cozy medieval character. Enjoy this construction slideshow.
Read the detailed story of this project in the book Charleston Fancy.