Lampadas and Polycandela
We manufacture a variety of liturgical lamps.
Our exquisite silver vigil lamp has an open form and pendant ornaments reminiscent of the marvelous open-work silver lamps used in Imperial Byzantium. It is hand crafted entirely from sterling silver by silversmiths in Taxco, Mexico. Even the chains are hand made, soldered together link by link. The glass insert is specially made for us from heat resistant borosilicate (“pyrex”) glass. Following the ancient practice, our glass is colorless in order to allow the maximum light to shine out and to reveal the golden color of the oil. We supply these lamps with a Russian-style wick holder and wick.
The body of the lamp bears the text “Holy, Holy, Holy.” The letters H-O-L-Y can be seen on each side intertwined with vines in the Old Russian style. Byzantine crosses are cut out from each side to reveal the light, and cruciform pendants hang below to reflect it. At the top of the lamp, the disk that holds the chains has the shape of a domed eight-pointed star. In total, the lamp 20” is tall. The glass is 3.25” in diameter.
When used at night, this lamp radiates an intensely beautiful light. Golden light, colored by the oil, shines out of the bottom and sides, while the polished silver reflects sparkling white highlights. This intermingling of silver and gold is rich and mysterious, ever changing, and visually profound.
We sell the hanging silver lampada for $690. We also have a standing version for $550. Please email us to order.
Our simple glass lampadas are available for sale through Saint John's Workshop.
The polycandelon, also known as a polyeleos lamp, was a widely used light fixture in Byzantine churches. We are pleased to offer newly made polycandela closely modeled upon examples from the sixth century. Whereas the originals were made from cast bronze, a costly technique, ours our made of steel with a dark oxide patina and lacquer finish. The lamps are specially made for us from clear heat-resistant borosilicate (“pyrex”) glass. They can also be fitted with ordinary vigil cups, although our lamps are the more ancient and beautiful form. We offer three standard sizes:
The 3-lamp polycandelon is 8” diameter and 17” tall from the top of the cross to the metal disk. It bears an early-Christian six-bar cross motif. It is well suited as a lamp for an icon corner, or as a vigil lamp for a wall fresco.
Price for metalwork only: $150 Price with handmade glass lamps: $250
The 7-lamp polycandelon was the most typical design in ancient times, and was usually hung from a bracket off a wall or column. The disk has a repeating Alpha-Omega motif, and the top medallion has a six-bar cross. It is 12” diameter and 18” tall.
Price for metalwork only: $250 Price with handmade glass lamps: $450
The 9-lamp polycandelon works well as a central fixture in a small chapel. It has an Alpha-Omega design in the disk and Byzantine crosses ornamenting the chains. The top medallion has Greek puzzle cipher, which is traditional in Byzantine metalwork. Ours has the first and last letters of “Genetheto Phos” (Let there be light). It is 17” diameter, and 33” tall.
Price for metalwork only: $450 Price with handmade glass lamps: $720
Please email us to order.